We all have concerns about some issue or issues in our lives. Relationships, career, personal development, spirituality, creativity... the list could go on and on. Astrology is tool to help you get perspective on these topics and how you - as a unique individual - can best manifest them in your life. One-size-fits-all approaches to development or self-help are limited because while almost anything is true for some people, almost nothing is true for everyone. Integral Astrology is a way to discover how you can lead a happier, more fulfilling life - based on your own unique self and your true wants and needs.
Integral Astrology isn’t some new astrological technique, but a way of thinking about astrology from the perspective of consciousness evolution. The basic idea is that the birth chart and its transits can tell us about which areas of life are active and in what way, but what this means for each of us will differ depending on where we are within the spectrum of consciousness evolution.
Each challenge that we encounter in life - and these are indicated by astrology - will manifest according to the awareness which we bring to the situation. At the same time, each challenge is also an opportunity to raise our awareness and bring our understanding to the next level.
Integral Astrology isn’t fatalistic. It’s not about predicting the future, but about having the greatest possible awareness so that you can create your future. The question to ask is not “What will happen?” but “What can I do?” An even better question is “What does this mean?” or “What can I learn from this experience?”
Astrology is a symbolic system that is rich in meaning, and which can help you to understand the basic patterns of your life as well as current challenges, and to manifest them on the highest possible level.
About Armand

Armand M. Diaz, Ph.D., approaches astrology consultations by creating a supportive context for self-exploration, to help clients make decisions which are in harmony with their greatest potential. Armand is certified as a Consulting Astrologer by the National Council for Geocosmic Research - Professional Astrologers Association (NCGR-PAA), and is also a member of the International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR).
Armand has studied divination and oracles for more than thirty years, working primarily with the I Ching and Tarot in addition to astrology. His interests are in the areas of Jungian psychology, consciousness evolution, and the healing power of nonordinary states of consciousness. He has published articles on the astrology of politics and social phenomena in Geocosmic Journal, The Astrological Journal, and The Mountain Astrologer. Since 2006, he has written the astrological forecast in Wisdom Magazine.
Armand earned a bachelor’s degree (in psychology) from Columbia, and a master’s at Hofstra. His doctorate is in Transformative Studies at the California Institute of Integral Studies, where he won an Esalen Scholarship for his study the lives of psychic-mediums.
His first book, Integral Astrology: Understanding the Ancient Discipline in the Contemporary World, was published in May 2012. In 2013, he coproduced and coedited Transpersonal Astrology: Explorations at the Frontier, an anthology with 17 astrological authors. His most recent book, Separating Aspects: The Astrology of Breakups, Divorce, and Other Partings was published in 2014.
Armand is Agent 17 for the Cosmic*Intelligence*Agency, Books and Articles Editor for Astrology News Service, and a contributing editor to NCGR's E-News and Commentary. He speaks on astrology locally, nationally, and internationally, including the annual conference of The Astrological Association of Great Britain, the Iberian Astrology Congress, and ISAR 2014 and 2016.