Exploring Consciousness
Integral Life is Ken Wilber’s integral web site. You can learn a great deal about integral theory there. Members get access to hundreds of interviews.
Grof Transpersonal Training is the official site for holotropic breathwork, a consciousness-expanding technique developed by Stanislav and Christina Grof.
The Institute of Noetic Sciences conducts and sponsors research into the potentials of consciousness.
Life After Life is “the official online presence of Raymond Moody” who has researched the survival of consciousness after death.
MAPS is the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, which sponsors and conducts research and education into psychedelic substances.
NCGR, the National Council for Geocosmic Research, is an educational association which sponsors conferences and meetings. Members receive journals and other benefits.
NCGR-NYC is the New York City chapter, for members in the area.
NCGR-LI is the Long Island chapter. There are more chapters, so those of you in other areas can search the national website, above.
The Mountain Astrologer is an excellent astrology magazine, a good place to explore astrology for both beginners and experts.
Anne Whitaker has excellent articles and a blog on her site. Her books are also for sale and highly recommended!
Mothersky.com is Jessica Murray's excellent website. Jessica is a great astrologer, and fellow author in Transpersonal Astrology.
Holistic/New Age Resources
Tree of Wellness is the site of holistic health coach, yoga teacher, and reiki practitioner Emilia Abayah Santo.
Wisdom Magazine is one of the best New Age publications around, and I’m not just saying that because I write their astrology column.
Queens Karma is the body/mind/spirit publication for Queens, New York, my hometown. Oh, and I write the astrology column for this magazine, too.
D’Brant Holistic is the site of Dr. Garry D’Brant.
Holistic Guidance is a directory of New Age practitioners.
Spirit Bond has both a directory and a discussion area for members (membership is free).
Body Mind Spirit Directory is an international guide to holistic and New Age practitioners, searchable by profession or location. This is the largest of holistic database I know of.
Center of Inner Wisdom is a great resource for those living on Long Island. The center, run by Lily Rubinstein, offers classes and workshops.
Eyes of Learning is another Long Island metaphysical center, the oldest on the island.
The Center of Light has bi-weekly question and answer gatherings followed by discussions. Past life readings through channelling and present life readings either through channelling or the I Ching. Consultations in person or by Phone. Lisi Hoff is also a great artist, so check out the original artwork.
The Queens Psychic Club of New York is another local resource. The group is located in Flushing, where they have monthly meetings and meditations, as well as two psychic fairs each year. I think they add “of New York” onto the name so we know it isn’t “The Queen’s” psychic club. And yet they have a picture of Big Ben on their home page...