Venus retrograde in the news
16/Oct/10 14:06
First, a bit of context...
When Venus is retrograde, we tend to reconsider our relationships. That's true on a personal level, but also on a collective level as well. But with Saturn sailing through the sign of relationships, Libra, we are even more focused on the structure of our partnerships.
This Venus retrograde has seen us focusing on gay relationships. However, rather than bringing up the issue of gay marriage (okay, New York gubernatorial candidate Andrew Cuomo has come out in favor of it), we have been dealing with the issue of gay relationships, per se.
It started with the story of Tyler Clementi, the gay Rutgers student who committed suicide after his roommate internet-broadcasted him having sex. Since then, the issues have been cascading, most recently with Joel Burns, a gay Fort Worth councilman pleading with teens not to commit suicide. (By the way, Fort Worth is in Texas!)

"You will get out of the household that doesn't accept you. You will get out of that high school, and you don't ever have to deal with those jerks again," Burns said. "Things will get easier ... Please stick around to make those happy memories for yourself."
Sadly, we still have to deal with these issues. And with this Venus retrograde, the emphasis has been on the heavier side of the issue. It has not been so much about going forward with gay rights, as about loss and pain. Republican candidate for Governor of New York, Carl Paladino went on a rant against gays at a talk to an orthodox Jewish group - no doubt helping Andrew Cuomo to make his point about gay marriage.
Then there is the Justice Department's overturning of the Bill Clinton's "Don't Ask - Don't Tell" policy - and of course who benefits from that and in what way is a real head-scratcher.
There are other Venus retrograde stories, too. A woman in Jerry Brown's campaign suggested calling California Gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman a "whore." Whitman was offended.
It isn't about Venus, but California could legalize cannabis next week, and sadly the U.S. Justice Department has promised to enforce the federal laws, nonetheless. So much for change in the Obamaian world.
When Venus is retrograde, we tend to reconsider our relationships. That's true on a personal level, but also on a collective level as well. But with Saturn sailing through the sign of relationships, Libra, we are even more focused on the structure of our partnerships.
This Venus retrograde has seen us focusing on gay relationships. However, rather than bringing up the issue of gay marriage (okay, New York gubernatorial candidate Andrew Cuomo has come out in favor of it), we have been dealing with the issue of gay relationships, per se.
It started with the story of Tyler Clementi, the gay Rutgers student who committed suicide after his roommate internet-broadcasted him having sex. Since then, the issues have been cascading, most recently with Joel Burns, a gay Fort Worth councilman pleading with teens not to commit suicide. (By the way, Fort Worth is in Texas!)

"You will get out of the household that doesn't accept you. You will get out of that high school, and you don't ever have to deal with those jerks again," Burns said. "Things will get easier ... Please stick around to make those happy memories for yourself."
Sadly, we still have to deal with these issues. And with this Venus retrograde, the emphasis has been on the heavier side of the issue. It has not been so much about going forward with gay rights, as about loss and pain. Republican candidate for Governor of New York, Carl Paladino went on a rant against gays at a talk to an orthodox Jewish group - no doubt helping Andrew Cuomo to make his point about gay marriage.
Then there is the Justice Department's overturning of the Bill Clinton's "Don't Ask - Don't Tell" policy - and of course who benefits from that and in what way is a real head-scratcher.
There are other Venus retrograde stories, too. A woman in Jerry Brown's campaign suggested calling California Gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman a "whore." Whitman was offended.
It isn't about Venus, but California could legalize cannabis next week, and sadly the U.S. Justice Department has promised to enforce the federal laws, nonetheless. So much for change in the Obamaian world.