crunch time
06/Apr/10 09:29
With today’s Pluto station at 10:33 EDT, it’s no wonder that we’re getting a steady dose of power-struggles in the news...
President Obama was talking about limiting nuclear weapons (which are, of course, Plutonian).

But the most Plutonian story, so far, has to do with Wikileaks, a sight which publishes “leaked” information. Now, leaks are Neptunian, and Neptune in the mass-media sign of Aquarius is probably the best symbol for Wikileaks overall. But Pluto brings up secret and repressed information.
Wikileaks has recently published a video which it claims shows U.S. troops killing Iraqi civilians in 2007, for example. As an additional bit of Plutonian intrigue, the U.S. intelligence has charged that Wikileaks is a threat to the U.S. military. Click here for the full story.
These Plutonian times are more intensified in the days around Pluto’s station. We will feel the same energy in our own lives. Be aware of power struggles at home and at work. Watch for deep, corroding anger. And a certain morbid fascination with death is also not too unlikely.
President Obama was talking about limiting nuclear weapons (which are, of course, Plutonian).

But the most Plutonian story, so far, has to do with Wikileaks, a sight which publishes “leaked” information. Now, leaks are Neptunian, and Neptune in the mass-media sign of Aquarius is probably the best symbol for Wikileaks overall. But Pluto brings up secret and repressed information.
Wikileaks has recently published a video which it claims shows U.S. troops killing Iraqi civilians in 2007, for example. As an additional bit of Plutonian intrigue, the U.S. intelligence has charged that Wikileaks is a threat to the U.S. military. Click here for the full story.
These Plutonian times are more intensified in the days around Pluto’s station. We will feel the same energy in our own lives. Be aware of power struggles at home and at work. Watch for deep, corroding anger. And a certain morbid fascination with death is also not too unlikely.