11/Dec/10 08:58
Mercury went retrograde yesterday, and I've already experienced a bunch of the typical stuff. One of my email accounts always -always - stops working just as the Cosmic Messenger backs up. I get a message saying that the Certificate cannot be trusted. It's easy to fix, but a bit time-consuming. I like it, though, cuz it always happens right on cue, the day before the retrograde. Then there was the Long Island Railroad train whose doors stopped working... and so on.

But the biggest do-over in the news was the "Celebration" in the Southern United States of the 150th anniversary of the start of the Civil War. There were RE-enactments of Georgia's secession convention, and RE-living of the Old South, mint juleps and all. Click here to check out the Associated Press story on the events. But also read the UK Guardian editorial.
As Alabama NAACP president Benard Simelton said, "It's almost like celebrating the Holocaust."
This type of thing - especially a glorification of the "rebel" spirit of the South, is likely to increase as Uranus enters Aries. The Tea Party obviously resonates with the secessionist tendencies of the South (old or new).

But the biggest do-over in the news was the "Celebration" in the Southern United States of the 150th anniversary of the start of the Civil War. There were RE-enactments of Georgia's secession convention, and RE-living of the Old South, mint juleps and all. Click here to check out the Associated Press story on the events. But also read the UK Guardian editorial.
As Alabama NAACP president Benard Simelton said, "It's almost like celebrating the Holocaust."
This type of thing - especially a glorification of the "rebel" spirit of the South, is likely to increase as Uranus enters Aries. The Tea Party obviously resonates with the secessionist tendencies of the South (old or new).