22/Apr/10 22:21
Mercury retrograde is not without it’s serious side, including my DSL working at about 1/3 speed and mail missing from my inbox. The former problem (which appears to be former in the good sense as well as the sequential one) has stopped me from adding to the Astroblog for a few days. It is also causing me a devil of a time trying to make these posts look like I want them to... something somewhere is wrong and I can’t introduce paragraphs where I want them.Today is Earth Day, a holiday with a place in our consciousness about 3 quantum levels below Columbus Day and a smidgeon above Secretary’s Day (but remember, there are very few secretaries around these days). I offer a picture of a burning oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico, as a reminder that a bit more attention to the environment might not be a bad idea. Or perhaps I am just in a grouchy mood (although with the moon in Leo, you’d think I’d have on my smiley face).
One more little errata in this unfocused post... it seems I severely misunderestimated the effects of the Aries new moon last week (around the 14th). The moon passing over Uranus and then the sun and moon meeting in the sign which is about to receive him apparently caused more of a stir than I had imagined. No doubt that is a reflection of Uranus’ pending entry into Aries, next month.At any rate, a good number of people felt the tension. Relationship issues boiled up (logical, since Aries opposes Libra, the sign of relationship) but lots of folks had work issues. Interesting....