sink whole
01/Jun/10 06:50
The weekend’s dual Saturn/Neptune station had me fogged out enough that I avoided even checking the news... but this morning it appears that Saturn - and particularly Neptune - were very busy.
Remember that Neptune rules the seas, oils, drugs, martyrs, scapegoats, and things which just disappear... Here’s the Neptunian news roundup...
It seems that Tropical Storm Agatha was implicated in a massive sink hole that swallowed an entire building in downtown Guatemala City...

President Obama’s Memorial Day speech in Illinois was rained out...
Former ABC anchorman Ted Koppel’s son was found dead, apparently after a drinking binge...
One person died and seven were hospitalized, probably as the result of tainted drugs at a San Francisco rave... which was named “POP 2010: The Dream.”
And as if they knew it was Neptunian weekend, the New York Times wrote a piece entitled, “States Create Flood of Education Bills,” in response to Colorado’s recent law, which has been called The Teacher Scapegoat Bill.
I won’t even mention the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico...
Remember that Neptune rules the seas, oils, drugs, martyrs, scapegoats, and things which just disappear... Here’s the Neptunian news roundup...
It seems that Tropical Storm Agatha was implicated in a massive sink hole that swallowed an entire building in downtown Guatemala City...

President Obama’s Memorial Day speech in Illinois was rained out...
Former ABC anchorman Ted Koppel’s son was found dead, apparently after a drinking binge...
One person died and seven were hospitalized, probably as the result of tainted drugs at a San Francisco rave... which was named “POP 2010: The Dream.”
And as if they knew it was Neptunian weekend, the New York Times wrote a piece entitled, “States Create Flood of Education Bills,” in response to Colorado’s recent law, which has been called The Teacher Scapegoat Bill.
I won’t even mention the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico...