
The still-full Virgo moon is void of course for most of Friday. We continue to have the charged energy of yesterday, but get a bit of a break in the action. Take time to reflect on the events and changes that took place yesterday and in the past week, and to consider where you are and where you need to be.

At the full moon, the moon's disk is fully illuminated as it reflects back the light of the sun. This month, the moon is in Virgo while the sun is in Pisces - we see ourselves in the Virgoan context of service, work, detailed analysis, and concern for health. Virgo deals with the particulars, yet the moon is illuminated from the sun in Pisces, where the oceanic energy dissolves the boundaries between things.

Virgo-Pisces gives us a clue about how we can apply our energy - focusing on particulars and individuals, while recognizing the unity underlying the differences. "Think globally, act locally". This cosmic configuration suggests the spiritual path of dharma yoga - getting in touch with larger spiritual reality through the path or service.

On a more basic level, this full moon precedes the dawn of the astrological year at the Aries ingress (spring equinox). In a way, it is analogous to awakening in the hours before dawn - a time of (often anxious) reflection about our lives. We are at the 4 a.m. of the year - waking from a dream in the still of the night. The illusions that give us comfort at 4 in the afternoon are gone, and we have a moment of reflection and reckoning before we begin the new day.

At the personal and collective level, this is a time when we may want to move towards a more healthy, wholesome lifestyle. The indulgences of winter may have taken their toll, and it's time to think about fitting into the summer wardrobe. Collectively, we can consider the environment, healthcare, and other issues dealing with our collective well-being.